Кадры, HR, рекрутинг
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Compania de training și consultanță HR Portal, pentru una dintre direcțiile sale de activitate anunță concurs de angajare pentru funcția de: Manager vânzări – servicii HR. Scopul principal al postului: realizarea planului de vînzari și marketing și menținerea relației cu clienții actuali ai companiei. Sarcini principale: - studierea pieții și identificarea potențialilor clienți; - efectuarea apelurilor reci; - studierea necesităților cli
Agentie de recruitment, angajeaza manager relatii cu clientii! Competente: *Good time-manager *Cunostinta limbii engleze(nivel conversational) OBLIGATORIU *Responsabil *acces la internet *full-time job Oferim: *salariu motivant (20 lire pe zi+comision) *colectiv tinar si prietenos Pentru detalii, va rog sa ma contactati +37369599506 sau email:daianast14@gmail.com
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
В немецкую компанию PAVG на постоянную работу Срочно требуется сотрудник/ца по подбору персонала: Немецкое рекрутинговое агентство P.A.V.G. оказывает более 10 лет услуги по легальному трудоустройству граждан Евро Союза в Германии. Вы уверенны в себе и умеете работать самостоятельно, Вы умеете общаться с людьми, Вы Ответственны, коммуникабельны и исполнительны. Вы любите работать и зарабатывать. Вы готови работат в неболшом но дружном колле
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements Active search of candidates Conducting phone screens and interviews Define candidates motivation, professional skills and interests Short list presentation to the client Follow up of the hired candidate You have to be: Hands-on Energetic Proactive self s
Требуется помощник руководителя, офис менеджер, администратор 8600 – 12500 лей Работа с документами, заключение контрактов, работа с персоналом Требования к кандидату: - целеустремленный, - позитивный, - умеющий работать в коллективе. Предлагается: - бесплатное обучение, - заключение контракта на неопределенное время, - работа в офисе, карьерный рост, - гибкий график работы.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a r
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a r
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBI
Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; Colectează necesitățile de dezvoltare ale franchizatilor si ideilor de perfectionare a sistemului de instruire; Efectuează analiza și sinteza infor
Cerințe: - Studii superioare economice; - Cunoștințe bune privind legislația muncii a RM; - Cunostinte Excel, Word, 1C; - Cunoașterea limbii de stat; - Capacitate de planificare și organizare; - Capacitate de comunicare constructivă și interrelaționare; - Atenție la detalii, flexibilitate, gîndire analitică. Principalele atribuții ale postului: - Executarea procesului de angajare, transferare, eliberare, atestare al salariaților; - A
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a r
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a r
Крупная компания открывает вакансию Рекрутера Мы рады предложить Вам следующие условия: - Опыт работы в международной компании - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) - Офис в центре города - Своевременная выплата заработной платы Основные задачи должности: - Ведение проектов по рекрутменту в соответствии со стандартами компании - Поиск кандидатов:, открытые источники (сайты по поиску работы, социальные сети, профессиональные соо
Крупная Международная компания открывает вакансию HR Менеджера Мы рады предложить Вам следующие условия: - Опыт работы в международной компании - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) - Офис в центре города - Своевременная выплата заработной платы Основные задачи должности: - Подбор сотрудников - Составление профилей должностей - Размещение информации о вакансиях (интернет, внутренние ресурсы); - Организация проведения всех э
Great opportunity to get a real recruiting experience in the international company The company offers: - Experience in an international company - Competitive salary - Excellent working conditions in the comfortable office in the city center - Official employment and full social package Duties and responsibilities: - Manage the pre-selection recruitment process - Work with diverse sourcing channels and tools to attract proper talents
КОМПАНИЯ: компания предоставляет услуги: обучающие курсы румынского языка Мы находимся в поиске: Менеджера - координатора В должностные обязанности входит: ответы на звонки потенциальных клиентов, предоставление всей необходимой информации об услугах, ведение графика преподавателей, помощь руководству по рабочим вопросам, при необходимости. администрирование сайта, поддержка клиентов, обратная связь по e-mail, звонк
Компания предлагает: * Удаленная работа * Полный рабочий день (с 9:00 до 18:00 или с 10:00 до 19:00 по Московскому времени) * Работа с российскими компаниями и кандидатами по телефону * Оклад + премии * Предварительное обучение и стажировка * Работа с наставником * Возможность карьерного и профессионального роста в сфере HR Требования к кандидату: * Опытный пользователь ПК и Интернет * Грамотная русская речь * Быстрая обучаемость
Менеджер по подбору персонала (частный сектор) по строительным специальностям (маляр, плиточник, сантехник и т.д.). Прием заявок, проведение телефонных собеседований. Поверхностная обработка заявок от клиентов. Опыт работы в сфере отделочных работ (как преимущество). Знание основ отделочных работ (и готовность развиваться далее). Знание MS Office. Умение вести диалог... Требования:Грамотная речь, четкая дикция. Позитивный настрой, веж
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview: a
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven assi
Крупная компания открывает вакансию Менеджера по подбору персонала Мы рады предложить Вам следующие условия: - Опыт работы в международной компании - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) - Офис в центре города - Своевременная выплата заработной платы Основные задачи должности: - Ведение проектов по рекрутменту в соответствии со стандартами компании - Поиск кандидатов:, открытые источники (сайты по поиску работы, социальные сети,
Great opportunity to get a real experience in the international company The company offers: - Experience in an international company - Competitive salary - Excellent working conditions in the comfortable office in the city center - Official employment and full social package Duties and responsibilities: - Setup, coordinate and manage recruitment positions within the company - Organize new employee onboarding, orientation, adaptation
Крупная Международная компания открывает вакансию HR Менеджера Мы рады предложить Вам следующие условия: - Опыт работы в международной компании - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) - Офис в центре города - Своевременная выплата заработной платы Основные задачи должности: - Подбор сотрудников - Составление профилей должностей - Размещение информации о вакансиях (интернет, внутренние ресурсы); - Организация проведения всех э
Международный медицинский цент находится в поиске HR Менеджера Мы рады предложить Вам следующие условия: - Опыт работы в международной компании - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) - Своевременная выплата заработной платы - Комфортабельный офис Основные задачи должности: - Адаптация и контроль за прохождением испытательного срока - Мониторинг рынка труда, подготовка аналитики и периодической отчетности по кадровым вопросам -
Great opportunity to get a real recruiting experience in the international company The company offers: - Experience in an international company - Competitive salary - Excellent working conditions in the comfortable office in the city center - Official employment and full social package Duties and responsibilities: - Manage the pre-selection recruitment process - Work with diverse sourcing channels and tools to attract proper talents
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Senior Executive Assistant. Company Overview: Very well-known international company within shoe industry. Senior Executive Assistant (temporary) If you want to help establishing from the scratch an international company in Moldova, this job is for YOU! Position overview:
Responsabilitati - Coordonarea procesului de recrutare a personalului si realizarea intregului proces de recrutare a personalului; - Supervizarea echipei care se ocupa de anuntarea posturilor vacante/preselectia CV-urilor; - Coordonarea si verificarea activitatii persoanelor din subordine; - Elaborarea de metode si instrumente de recrutare pentru atragerea celor mai potriviti candidati; - Dezvoltarea continua a procedurii de recrutare; - Ev
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Секретарь – одел кадров Предприятие на Рышкановке объявляет о вакантной должности секретарь – Работа с документами, ведение телефонных переговоров. умение пользоваться компьютером. Требования: Обучение в процессе работы ,честность ,порядочность ,желательно без в/п. знание государственный и русского языка обязательно Опыт работы в любой должности приветствуется. График работы с 09:00 до 18:00. зарплата 2500lei Просьба
Urgent –Secretar(a), RH, Administrator, Manager… 067235410 eugenia591@mail.ru
Профессиональные требования: - Высшее образование ; - Знание румынского и русского языков - Знание программы 1С и других программ учета персонала и рабочего времени - Знание трудового законодательства; - Опыт работы с кадровыми документами не менее 2х лет; - Внимательность‚ ответственность‚ обучаемость‚ тактичность. Обязанности: - Ведение кадрового делопроизводства в полном объеме; - Подбор персонала; - составление графиков работы, ве
Avem nevoie de lucratori pentru elaborarea documentelor privind resursele umane la diferite unitati , uneori va fi necesar de iesit in oras pentru impartirea facturilor sau prezentarea unor dari de seama. Experienta nu este obligatorie. Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa trimita un CV si copia la diploma de studii pe adresa director@ssmexpert.md Regimul de munca de la 8:30 pina la 17:30, cu pauza de masa de la 12:00 la 13:00.
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
Секретарь – одел кадров Предприятие на Рышкановке объявляет о вакантной должности секретарь – Работа с документами, ведение телефонных переговоров. умение пользоваться компьютером. Требования: Обучение в процессе работы ,честность ,порядочность ,желательно без в/п. знание государственный и русского языка обязательно Опыт работы в любой должности приветствуется. График работы с 09:00 до 18:00. зарплата 2500lei Просьба
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR fu
Профессиональные требования: - Высшее образование ; - Знание румынского и русского языков - Знание программы 1С и других программ учета персонала и рабочего времени - Знание трудового законодательства; - Опыт работы с кадровыми документами не менее 2х лет; - Внимательность‚ ответственность‚ обучаемость‚ тактичность. Обязанности: - Ведение кадрового делопроизводства в полном объеме; - Подбор персонала; - составление графиков работы, ве
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
HR-Consulting srl, an HR services company with 21 years on a market, having been delivering services mostly to well-known multinational companies, in order to expand its team is looking for candidates to fill the position within the Personnel Leasing department: Client Relations Associate (HR Assistant) If you love HR and want to start a career in HR field, this job is for you! Key responsibilities: • Assist with different HR func
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