Кадры, HR, рекрутинг
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
COMPANIA DE COMERCIALIZAREA MATERIALELOR DE CONSTRUCTIE ANGAJEAZA: SPECIALIST SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA Responsabilitățile principale: - Servciul de protectie si prevenirea intreprindere; - Elaborarea instructiunilor de securitate si sanatate in munca; - Efectuarea evaluarii riscurilor la intreprindere; - Cercetarea accidentelor de munca. Garantam: - Pachet social deplin; - Salariu atractiv; - Locul de muncă stabil în companie de
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
Обязанности менеджера по персоналу • Подбор персонала в соответствии с кадровой политикой. • Разработка и применение на практике системы обучения персонала (тренинги, семинары). • Адаптация новых сотрудников. • Разработка системы мотивации сотрудников. • Ведение кадровой документации. Требования к менеджеру по персоналу • Знание основ психологии и социологии. • Опыт разработки систем обучения и мотивации персонала. • Знание методов оценк
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
HR-Consulting – lider în recrutarea personalului, la solicitarea clientului său, este în cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: manager de oficiu RESPONSABILITĂȚI: – Elaborarea documentelor de proiect (scrisori, anunțuri, communicate, etc.); – Elaborarea/updatarea fișelor de post a personalului proiectului; – Participarea la elaborarea planurilor de lucru și rapoartelor privind activitățile realizate ale membrilor echipei de implementar
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of Engli
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
Am nevoie de o persoana descurcareta,isteata, indrazneata si cu gindire "out of the box". Cerinte: -Limba engleza la un nivel conversational fluent (Vei comunica cu rezidenti ai Marii Britanii, accentul carora e deseori greu de inteles). Ar constitui un avantaj daca ai trait sau lucrat in UK in trecut (sau inca mai esti acolo). -Sa fii o persoana vesela si comunicabila. Cei boring sau complexati ca rog evitati anuntul:) -Putere de convinger
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESP
Responsabilitati: - Planificarea resurselor umane, recrutarea si selectionarea personalului - Comunicarea prin telefon - Realizarea contractelor individuale de muncă ale angajaților; - Realizarea actelor adiționale la contractele individuale de muncă; - Centralizarea și arhivarea contractelor individuale de muncă întocmite; Cerinte fata de candidati: - Experienta la un post similar - Cunostinte de operare PC (Excel, Word, Outlook,
HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: - Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании - Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами - Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективных источников, проведение качественного отбора - Принятие участия в разработке организационной структуры предприятия (составление
HR-Consulting – la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Training Manager Compania: Companie internationala, lider in domeniul producerilor materialelor de constructie Obiectivul postului: Adaptarea si monitorizarea activitatii noilor angajati. Elaborarea manualelor de instruire pentru fiecar post. Evaluarea angajatilor. Responsabilitati: - Pregatirea si existenta documentelor/manualelor
HR-Consulting – la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Training Manager Compania: Companie internationala, lider in domeniul producerilor materialelor de constructie Obiectivul postului: Adaptarea si monitorizarea activitatii noilor angajati. Elaborarea manualelor de instruire pentru fiecar post. Evaluarea angajatilor. Responsabilitati: - Pregatirea si existenta documentelor/manualelor
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
Responsabilitati: - Planificarea resurselor umane, recrutarea si selectionarea personalului - Comunicarea prin telefon - Realizarea contractelor individuale de muncă ale angajaților; - Realizarea actelor adiționale la contractele individuale de muncă; - Centralizarea și arhivarea contractelor individuale de muncă întocmite; Cerinte fata de candidati: - Experienta la un post similar - Cunostinte de operare PC (Excel, Word, Outlook,
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
Loc de munca in birou,ajutor de conducator
Требуется сотрудник с опытом кадровой работы
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPON
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
Specialistul respectiv se va ocupa de recrutarea personalului necesar (cautare de personal) si montorizarea functionarii corecte a departamentului. Obligatiuni de baza: - Recrutarea personalului solicitat - Completarea actelor necesare pentru angajari - Elaborarea rapoartelor conform lucrului personal efectuat, precum si a departamentului Cerinte: - Experienta in recrutarea personalului (suplinirea rapida a functiilor vacante) minim 2 ani.
В связи с расширением, наша компания ищет толкового менеджера по персоналу! Требования к кандидату: - высокий уровень владения ПК -коммуникабельность - умение быстро и уверенно обучаться - ответственность -пунктуальность -исполнительность -отличное знание русского языка Обязанности: - подбор персонала на сайтах работы и в соц.сетях - обработка электронных писем от кандидатов -опыт работы приветствуется Условия работы: - графи
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.
Обязанности: - анализ потребности организации в кадрах, возможных источников специалистов; - подбор кадров на вакантные должности, обеспечение их адаптации и необходимой подготовки; - организация работы по повышению квалификации сотрудников, построению стратегий профессионального и карьерного роста; разработка принципов эффективного управления персоналом, повышения уровня его профессиональной мотивации; - ведение кадровой документации; Требо
HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: - Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании - Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами - Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективных источников, проведение качественного отбора - Принятие участия в разработке организационной структуры предприятия (составление шта
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: International company within healthcare business in Moldova. HR MANAGER Job summary: a result driven and customer service oriented HR Manager, that will be leading the HR department with 3 employees directly subordinated. DUTIES AND RESPONSI
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th
Тpeбoвaния: - нaцeлeннocть нa рeзультaт, - кoммуникaбeльнocть, - жeлaниe pacти и paзвиваться, - лидepcкие кaчecтвa, - всeгда быть нa cвязи. Oбязaнноcти: - пoиcк сoтрудникoв в кoмaнду, - oбучeниe и рaзвитиe сoтрудникoв, - выпoлнeниe кaмпaний и дoстижeниe нoвыx рeзультaтoв. Уcлoвия: - бeсплaтноe oбучeниe, - учaстиe в кoрпoрaтивныx мeрoприятияx. Заинтересованным просьба откликнуться на email
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