Все вакансии

HR manager / trainer
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează necesitățile de dezvoltare ale franchizatilor si ideilor de perfectionare a sistemului de instruire; - Efectuează analiza și sinteza inf

20 Июня 2017
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Junior recruiter
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates motivation, professional skills and interests • Short list presentation to the client • Follow up of the hired candidate You have to be: •

20 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive. SPECIALIST SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA (producere in regiune din Moldova) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă, i

20 Июня 2017
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Inspector resurse umane

Cerinte faţă de candidaţi: - Studii superioare; - Experienţă în domeniul resurselor umane de min. 2 ani; - Persoana energică, motivată, perseverentă, orientată spre performanţă şi rezultat; - Capacitate de orientare rapidă în situaţii diverse şi de a lua decizii corecte; - Initiativă şi capacitate de a lucra independent; - Capacitatea de convingere; - Grad înalt de responsabilitate şi confidenţialitate; - Cunoasterea limbilor: română, rus

20 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. Recruiter (manufacturing) Duties and responsibilities: • Execute recruiting strategy and flex with evolving business need

20 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: Manager în sala de comerț, magazin Bălți Responsabilităţi: • Instruieşte angajaţii din echipă şi coordonează activitatea acestora, conform obiectivelor stabilite • Supervizează raioanele din cadrul magazinului, privind asigurarea standardelor de merchandising, și layout, pe durata schimbului • Asigură reali

20 Июня 2017
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Inspector resurse umane

Cerinte faţă de candidaţi: - Studii superioare; - Experienţă în domeniul resurselor umane de min. 2 ani; - Persoana energică, motivată, perseverentă, orientată spre performanţă şi rezultat; - Capacitate de orientare rapidă în situaţii diverse şi de a lua decizii corecte; - Initiativă şi capacitate de a lucra independent; - Capacitatea de convingere; - Grad înalt de responsabilitate şi confidenţialitate; - Cunoasterea limbilor: română, rus

20 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

20 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

19 Июня 2017
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Administrator/6800 079217933 eugenia591@mail.ru

17 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

16 Июня 2017
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- подбор персонала - ведение кадровой документации - учет рабочего времени - разработка проектов приказа по кадрам - оформление приема,перевода,увольнения - выдача справок - ведение учета трудовых книжек

16 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

15 Июня 2017
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HR manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

14 Июня 2017
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DTSS Wojtaszczyk Anna

Ищем рекрутера работников в Польшу!!! Человек будет агитировать и искать людей на работу в Польшу Заработная плата зависит от каличества людей

14 Июня 2017
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Concurs. Ajutor de conducător, RH, Administrator, Manager. 079217933 eugenia591@mail.ru

14 Июня 2017
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Коммерческая организация

Должностные обязанности: -Работа с сайтами по поиску и подбору кандидатов. -Активный поиск кандидатов,холодный обзвон. -Проведение первичных телефонных интервью и запись кандидата на собеседование. -Проведение собеседований лично. -Документооборот. Работа с базой данных ведение отчетности. Требования: -Высокий уровень самостоятельности, ответственности, самоорганизации. -Способность работать в режиме многозадачности. -Высокий уровень к

13 Июня 2017
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(ресторанный бизнес) Наши предложения: - Официальное трудоустройство - Стандартный социальный пакет - График работы: понедельник-пятница с 9.00 до 18.00 - Профессиональный рост (обучение, тренинги) Ваши задачи: - Ведение социальных сетей - Работа с корпоративным сайтом компании - Создание макетов картинок и баннеров (jpeg, gif) Мы ждем от вас: - Знание и практический опыт применения русского и румынского языков - Знание и практи

13 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

13 Июня 2017
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Studio Moderna

Международная компания, успешно работающая в более чем 20 европейских стран в области прямого маркетинга, объявляет конкурс на должность: конкурс на должность: Менеджер по подбору персонала (массовый подбор) Обязанности: • Массовый подбор операторов в колл-центр; • Руководство группой массового подбора; • Проведение индивидуальных и массовых собеседований с кандидатами; • Сопровождение и коорди

12 Июня 2017
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HR manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

12 Июня 2017
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Manager resurse umane
5AQ Invest

-Cunoștințe de operare PC - Cunoașterea LM - Capacitate de finalizare a sarcinilor în termen - Capacitate de recrutare a personalului necesar

12 Июня 2017
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HR manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

9 Июня 2017
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Немецкая компания открыла филиал в Кишиневе и приглашает на работу персонал. Требования: -Знание процесса продаж и работы с клиентами; -Навыки ведения переговоров; -Умение организовывать работу подчиненных; -Умение быстро обучаться и обучать других; -Коммуникабельность, ответственность, лидерские качества. Условия работы: -График работы ПН-ПТ (10:00-17:00); -Профессиональное обучение и тренинги; -Своевременная заработная пла

9 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

8 Июня 2017
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Angajem Secretar - sectia de cadre Cerinte: Cunosteria calculatorului Cunoasria limbei de stat si ruse Staj de munca in orice domeniu e un avantaj Graficul de lucru 09-00 pina la 18-00, simbata duminica zi de odihna. Salariul 2500 - 3000 lei е-mail: diana82@inbox.ru la Riscanovca mob. 068652141 in CV indicati postul la care pretindeti.

8 Июня 2017
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HR Manager
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profiles. • Active promotion of company values within employees, elaboration and implementation of necessary activities to align employees to compa

7 Июня 2017
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Hr менеджер
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: • Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании • Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами • Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективных источников, проведение качественного отбора • Принятие участия в разработке организационной структуры предприятия (составление штатных

7 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

7 Июня 2017
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Sef resurse umane

1. Studii superioare în domeniul economic, juridic sau administraţie publică; 2. Persoană dinamică şi dornică de a învăţa; 3. Abilităţi dezvoltate de analiză şi gîndire critică; 4. Persoană care posedă abilităţi de comunicare şi convingere.

6 Июня 2017
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Hr generalist
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English. Th

6 Июня 2017
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Hr manager / trainer
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează necesitățile de dezvoltare ale franchizatilor si ideilor de perfectionare a sistemului de instruire; - Efectuează analiza și sinteza inf

6 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

6 Июня 2017
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Junior recruiter
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates motivation, professional skills and interests • Short list presentation to the client • Follow up of the hired candidate You have to be: •

6 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive. SPECIALIST SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA (producere in regiune din Moldova) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă, i

6 Июня 2017
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Секретарь – одел кадров Предприятие на Рышкановке объявляет о вакантной должности секретарь – Работа с документами, ведение телефонных переговоров. умение пользоваться компьютером. Требования: Обучение в процессе работы ,честность ,порядочность ,желательно без в/п. знание государственного и русского языка обязательно Опыт работы в любой должности приветствуется. График работы с 09:00 до 18:00. Суббота воскресение выходной за

6 Июня 2017
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Manager resurse umane
5AQ Invest

- Cunoștințe de operare PC - Cunoașterea LM - Capacitate de finalizare a sarcinilor în termen - Recrutarea și alegerea personalului

6 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. Recruiter (manufacturing) Duties and responsibilities: • Execute recruiting strategy and flex with evolving business need

6 Июня 2017
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Cerinţe: - Experiență în domeniul resurselor umane este binevenita - Cunoașterea limbii române şi ruse; - Cunoștințe de operare PC (pachetul Microsoft Office); - Atenție sporită la detalii, abilități de comunicare, lucru în echipă; - Capacitate de finalizare a sarcinilor în termen. Responsabilităţi: - Perfectarea documentelor de angajare, eliberare, deplasare, concedii şi transferuri de funcţie a angajaților etc; - Evidența strictă a c

6 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

5 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: Manager în sala de comerț, magazin Bălți Responsabilităţi: • Instruieşte angajaţii din echipă şi coordonează activitatea acestora, conform obiectivelor stabilite • Supervizează raioanele din cadrul magazinului, privind asigurarea standardelor de merchandising, și layout, pe durata schimbului • Asigură reali

5 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: Manager în sala de comerț, magazin Bălți Responsabilităţi: • Instruieşte angajaţii din echipă şi coordonează activitatea acestora, conform obiectivelor stabilite • Supervizează raioanele din cadrul magazinului, privind asigurarea standardelor de merchandising, și layout, pe durata schimbului • Asigură reali

5 Июня 2017
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HR Manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

2 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: Manager în sala de comerț, magazin Bălți Responsabilităţi: • Instruieşte angajaţii din echipă şi coordonează activitatea acestora, conform obiectivelor stabilite • Supervizează raioanele din cadrul magazinului, privind asigurarea standardelor de merchandising, și layout, pe durata schimbului • Asigură reali

2 Июня 2017
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HR Manager
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profiles. • Active promotion of company values within employees, elaboration and implementation of necessary activities to align employees to compa

2 Июня 2017
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Hr generalist
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview: active and result driven HR Generalist that will be responsible for recruiting, payroll, HR administration with the knowledge of English.

2 Июня 2017
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Junior recruiter
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates motivation, professional skills and interests • Short list presentation to the client • Follow up of the hired candidate You have to be: •

2 Июня 2017
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HR manager / trainer
HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează necesitățile de dezvoltare ale franchizatilor si ideilor de perfectionare a sistemului de instruire; - Efectuează analiza și sinteza inf

2 Июня 2017
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HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. Recruiter (manufacturing) Duties and responsibilities: • Execute recruiting strategy and flex with evolving business need

2 Июня 2017
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HR manager

(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and on-going employee engagement on a global basis - Working with department leads to plan company events and support t

1 Июня 2017
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