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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Instructor pentru Formarea Angajatilor (Trainer) Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Instructor Formare (Trainer, industria automotive) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizeaza cursurile de formare interna, instruire, reinstruire • Colaboreaza cu responsabilul SSM,

24 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. TEHNICIAN SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA (producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii ş

24 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de recrutare in

24 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the: RECRUITING AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible for managing the entire process of recruitment, in line with the existing procedures; • Will be resposible for Identifying L&D needs within the organization

23 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating and monitoring the entir

23 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating and monitoring the entir

23 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de HR SPECIALIST pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie de producere internationala in domeniul industriei automotive in Chisinau HR Specialist (producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Va fi responsabila de efectuarea si gestionarea rapoartelor de personal: absenteeism, rotatie de personal, angajari, plecari

23 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. TEHNICIAN SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA (producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii ş

23 August 2016
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HR MANAGER (region in Moldova,...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

22 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de HR SPECIALIST pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie de producere internationala in domeniul industriei automotive in Chisinau HR Specialist (producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Va fi responsabila de efectuarea si gestionarea rapoartelor de personal: absenteeism, rotatie de personal, angajari, p

22 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating and monitoring the entir

22 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

22 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Instructor pentru Formarea Angajatilor (Trainer) Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Instructor Formare (Trainer, industria automotive) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizeaza cursurile de formare interna, instruire, reinstruire • Colaboreaza cu responsabilul SSM,

22 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de recrutare in

22 August 2016
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Free Cont S.R.L.

Perfectarea miscarilor interne ale personalului, eliberarile, demisiile, iesirea la pensie. Intocmirea corect si la timp a tabelelor de pontaj ale intreprinderii. Duce evidenta dosarelor personale si a registrelor de evidenta. Primeste sub responsabilitatea personala carnetele de munca de la lucratori. Asigura pastrarea, evidenta si completarea carnetelor de munca.

22 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de recrutare in

22 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating a HR department from ground

18 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 successful years in recruiting business in Moldova. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiting and People Development Responsible Company Overview: Very successful well known international production company in Moldova. Recruiting and Employee Development Responsible (manufacturing) Job overview: training, employee engagement p

18 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that will h

18 August 2016
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Международная компания

Международная компания расширяет свой HR отдел и с радостью примет в свою команду хорошего рекрутера: МЕНЕДЖЕР ПО РЕКРУТИНГУ Обязанности: - Поиск и подбор персонала различного уровня; - Размещение объявлений; - Поиск кандидатов и отбор резюме; - Проведение интервью и собеседований с кандидатами, координация встреч с руководителями; - Внедрение новых процессов качественного подбора персонала; - Ведение отчётности по закрытым вакансиям;

18 August 2016
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Societatea de Audit Audit Expr...

Perfecteaza incadrarea in functie a noilor angajati. Perfecteaza toate miscarile interne ale personalului. Perfecteaza eliberarile, demisiile, iesirea la pensie. Primeste, inregistreaza, completeaza si transmite in contabilitate foile de boala si alte certificate. Intocmeste corect si la timp tabelele de pontaj ale intreprinderii. Duce evidenta dosarelor personale si a registrelor de evidenta Asigura pastrarea, evidenta si co

18 August 2016
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HR Simple Solutions

Compania de recrutare HR Simple Solutions, companie afiliată HR PORTAL, se află în cautarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de SPECIALIST ÎN RECRUTARE. Descrierea generală a funcției: Specialist în recrutare este persoana, care asigură efectuarea tuturor proceselor de căutare, evaluare și selectare a candidaților pentru posturile vacante anunțate de Clienții Companiei. Responsabilități de bază: Preluarea comenzilor de recrutare de la

18 August 2016
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Responsabilitati: Elaborarea, intocmirea documentelor referitoare la serviciul de personal, Mentinerea dosarelor de personal in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare; Raspunderea de intocmirea si implementarea politicilor si procedurilor de resurse umane Cerinte fata de candidat: Stidii superioare; Experienta in domeniu nu mai putin de 3 ani; Cunoasterea legislatiei Muncii RM si a normelor legislative ce reglementeaza relatiile de

16 August 2016
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HR Simple Solutions

Compania de recrutare HR Simple Solutions, companie afiliată HR PORTAL, se află în cautarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de SPECIALIST ÎN RECRUTARE. Descrierea generală a funcției: Specialist în recrutare este persoana, care asigură efectuarea tuturor proceselor de căutare, evaluare și selectare a candidaților pentru posturile vacante anunțate de Clienții Companiei. Responsabilități de bază: Preluarea comenzilor de recrutare de la cl

15 August 2016
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Elaborarea, intocmirea documentelor referitoare la serviciul de personal, Mentinerea dosarelor de personal in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare; Raspunderea de intocmirea si implementarea politicilor si procedurilor de resurse umane Cerinte fata de candidat: Stidii superioare; Experienta in domeniu nu mai putin de 3 ani; Cunoasterea legislatiei Muncii RM si a normelor legislative ce reglementeaza relatiile de munca; Cunoastere

15 August 2016
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HR manager

Крупная компания находится в поиске кандидата на должность HR Manager. Обязанности: Организация процесса подбора персонала, взаимодействие с рекрутинговыми агентствами Организация обучения персонала, подбор тренингов, семинаров Ведение кадровой документации в соответствии с ТК, делопроизводство Требования: Высшее образование Опыт работы на аналогичной должности Знание трудового законодательства РМ и кадрового делопроизводства Знание

15 August 2016
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Международная компания

Международная компания расширяет свой HR отдел и с радостью примет в свою команду хорошего рекрутера: МЕНЕДЖЕР ПО РЕКРУТИНГУ Обязанности: - Поиск и подбор персонала различного уровня; - Размещение объявлений; - Поиск кандидатов и отбор резюме; - Проведение интервью и собеседований с кандидатами, координация встреч с руководителями; - Внедрение новых процессов качественного подбора персонала; - Ведение отчётности по закрытым вакансиям;

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Assistant to the Management Board in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Assistant to the Management Board (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Positio

15 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori este posibil d

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating a HR department from gro

15 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 successful years in recruiting business in Moldova. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiting and People Development Responsible Company Overview: Very successful well known international production company in Moldova. Recruiting and Employee Development Responsible (manufacturing) Job overview: training, employee engagement p

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating a HR department from ground

15 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Instructor pentru Formarea Angajatilor (Trainer) Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Instructor Formare (Trainer, industria automotive) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizeaza cursurile de formare interna, instruire, reinstruire • Colaboreaza cu responsabilul SSM,

15 August 2016
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Audit Expres

Perfectarea miscarile interne ale personalului, eliberarile, demisiile, iesirea la pensie. Inregistrarea, completarea si transmiterea in contabilitate a foile de boala si alte certificate. Intocmirea corect si la timp a tabelele de pontaj ale intreprinderilor Duce evidenta dosarelor personale si a registrelor de evidenta. Asigura pastrarea, evidenta si completarea carnetelor de munca.

15 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that will h

15 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automative, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de recrutare

15 August 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. TEHNICIAN SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA ( producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii

15 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Assistant to the Management Board in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Assistant to the Management Board (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Positio

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating a HR department from gro

12 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Responsible in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. HR RESPONSIBLE (manufacturing) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will be responsible in creating a HR department from gro

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

12 August 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. It will be located in a region of Moldova. HR MANAGER (region in Moldova, manufacturing) Job summary: a result driven HR Manager that wi

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Instructor pentru Formarea Angajatilor (Trainer) Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Instructor Formare (Trainer, industria automotive) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizeaza cursurile de formare interna, instruire, reinstruire • Colaboreaza cu responsabilul SSM,

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Instructor pentru Formarea Angajatilor (Trainer) Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Instructor Formare (Trainer, industria automotive) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizeaza cursurile de formare interna, instruire, reinstruire • Colaboreaza cu responsabilul SSM,

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. TEHNICIAN SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA ( producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automative, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de

12 August 2016
Trimite CV

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Recruiter pentru clientul sau. Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automative, numarul de salariati 500-700. Recruiter ( producere in Chisinau) Responsabilitati: • Va pregati si coordona intregul proces de recrutare si selectie • Va redacta si publica anunturile de recrutare

12 August 2016
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